Perl is an effective programming language that is regularly used for making CGI scripts as well as different web-based apps. One of its main advantages is that it works with modules - ready-made batches of code which are designed to execute multiple tasks and to increase the efficiency of a given script without slowing it with unneeded lines of code. In other words, in the event that five processess need to be executed, you'll be able to use five lines of code to call each one of the modules instead of adding a few hundred lines used to set up the actual modules within your script. Perl is really practical and it may be used for many different purposes, so many companies have included it in their web products or on their resource-demanding sites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and many more. It's commonly used with other languages for instance PHP or Python.

Perl Scripting in Shared Hosting

Since Perl is installed on our cloud hosting platform, you're able to run Perl/CGI scripts with any of our shared hosting plans without any difficulties. You may also do this automatically through a cron job when your package comes with this option. If not, you will be able to include cron jobs through the Upgrades area of your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. More than 3000 Perl modules are present on our servers and you will be able to use any of them with your scripts. The full list can be found in the Control Panel and if you want to use any module, you only have to include the path to our module library within your script. When third-party scripts which you want to add to your site require a specific module, for example, you do not need to worry whether they will function efficiently or not. This way, you'll be able to make a dynamic Internet site and supply plenty of attributes to your website visitors.

Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll be able to take advantage of every Perl-based app, including CGI scripts, with all of the semi-dedicated servers that we offer as Perl is supported on all our servers. You can make any .pl file executable by setting the appropriate UNIX permissions for it in the Hepsia Control Panel or through any kind of FTP client and based on the actual script, it can be executed manually as a result of some action the client performs on your site, or automatically by a cron job that you can set up inside your account. Provided you want to employ a script which you have found online and it needs particular modules to be present on your server, you will be able to reap the benefits of our rich library that features more than 3000 modules. This way, you can rest assured that any Perl application that you write or find on the web will function flawlessly on our end.