SSD with Data Caching in Shared Hosting
Our innovative cloud hosting platform uses only SSD drives, so in case you buy any of our shared hosting packages, you will benefit from the speed that the drives provide. We no longer use hard disks, so your files, databases and email messages will all load from high-speed SSDs. For even improved performance, we use caching solid-state drives. A group of drives are used by our system for every file that is accessed more often and the data on these drives is dynamically refreshed in order to ensure that all the traffic-intensive files load from them. That way, the load on the primary drives is lowered, so we can ensure fantastic performance for all sorts of Internet sites no matter how many times they are accessed and prevent a situation where some sites are affected by too many reading and writing processes generated by others. This setup also improves the lifespan of the main drives and decreases the chance of disk failure.
SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you get one of our semi-dedicated server packages, your websites will be stored on a cloud platform which uses solely SSD drives for the storage of files, databases and email messages. Along with the revolutionary ZFS file system that we use, this configuration guarantees very fast loading speed for any web app hosted on our end. To ensure that the sites of one user won't affect the ones of another, we also use numerous SSDs as cache - our system finds files that are accessed more frequently and duplicates them, so they start loading from the caching drives. The content on the latter is updated dynamically and therefore we can balance the load on all drives, guarantee their long life-span, lower the risk of disk failures and, of course, provide a fast and reliable web hosting service.