WHOIS Privacy Protection
Keep your domain name safe. Keep your personal data safe. The Whois Privacy Protection service is designed for you.

Whois Privacy Protection with Interactive World
By default, a person’s WHOIS info needs to be available to the public and in addition utterly precise. In other words you will have to write down your very own or firm information online and make it readily available for every person to check out. Using the WHOIS Privacy Protection service delivered by Interactive World, you’ll be able to disguise your details by using our information instead.
One of the benefits is the fact that all the domain–related e–mails (transfer requests, EPP codes, etc.) will nevertheless pass, while not needed e–mails shall be blocked out.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
As a consequence of a registry–imposed constraint, Interactive World can not feature our Whois Privacy Protection solution to all the domain names in existence. If a TLD supports this type of service by registry govern, only then we can offer it to you as well. On the other hand, almost all the well–known domains extensions incorporate Whois Privacy Protection support.
These TLDs include: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .cc.
SSL Certificates
Get hold of SSL certificates directly from your CP
The easiest method to secure your shopping portal is to enable an SSL certificate for your domain name. The certificate will add ’https://’ to your domain and will tell your prospective clients that your web store is secure enough to purchase from. Via the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel, you will be able to quickly get a traditional or a wildcard SSL certificate for your website.
You only need to click on the Order SSL Certificate button, specify the kind of SSL certificate that you want and after that fill in the required info. We’ll then get back to you with your certificate’s details in a couple of minutes.
Video Tutorials
Integrated set of training videos
If you face any problems using Interactive World’s web hosting Control Panel, our company offers a quick way of fixing them – our video tutorials. We’ve prepared a fabulous collection of illustrative video clips that cover everything you can do with Interactive World’s web hosting Control Panel – from registering a domain name to editing your PHP preferences.
Plus, we’ve got a detailed F.A.Q. database, which houses the questions that our customer support staff is asked the most. What’s more, you can always contact our 24/7 tech support staff and have one of our highly skilled technicians investigate your case.
Domain Name Parking
Domain name parking done effortless
You will be able to park a registered domain name by pointing it to one of our two domain parking templates – For Sale or Under Construction. The domain name parking process is pretty easy and will take effect instantaneously. You can park as many domains as you need. And in case you need to un–park the domain name – you can carry out this operation with just one click of the mouse.
Besides, you can tweak our two domain parking templates using custom images and text to make them more personalized.
Domain Redirection
Domain name redirection designed effortless
If you want to point your domain name to a different site or a subdomain to another section of your website, we have the perfect solution for your needs. You no longer need to make use of URL forwarding stratagems – you can carry out these procedures via our handy domain redirection tool.
All you need to do to redirect your domain name is define where it should lead. Our smart system will carry out everything else and your domain will start pointing to the preferred location straight away.
Domain Name Locking
Prevent your domain name from becoming relocated
With the Registrar Lock functionality turned on, you can rest confident that your domain is safeguarded from online robbery. Any individual who attempts an unauthorized domain transfer will be momentarily stopped and the domain name transfer request – denied.
In the event that, at some point, you choose to transfer your domain name to another registrar, you will be able to unlock it with a click. You will find the locking/unlocking option in the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel.
Compare Our Prices
- Choose from as many as fifty assorted TLDs for the next domain name. Find a domain name registration at an incomparable price.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- Find out more on the TLDs we offer. Find out what’s the minimal registration interval or if you can get Whois Privacy Protection for your domain.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- Domain name hosting with a warranted 99.9% uptime and 99.9% DNS uptime from Interactive World
Contact Us
- Do you have any questions about Whois Privacy Protection? Contact us and / or make use of the online chat for live support on business days, or post a ticket from your Control Panel at any moment to have a rapid assistance from by our professional experts.