Discovering the right style and design for a web site can sometimes be a challenging job. You’ll have to check out template sites and browse 1000s of quite similar designs to get the one that appeals to you the best. We’ve aimed to change it for you by including a library of no cost web themes in the Control Panel, which are accessible along with each of our cloud hosting packages. It has more than 800 specific website themes to pick from. The majority of them are made for our web hosting solutions exclusively and aren’t obtainable any place else. Every single theme comes equipped with automatic installation and could be personalized as per your taste.
So, along with us you can acquire a new, exclusive and also absolutely easy to customize web site within a few mouse clicks.
800+ No Cost Web Themes
100% customizable. Automatic Setting up
In the Control Panel you will find a range of 800+ no cost web themes. They all are designed for anyone that would like to easily generate a completely new website along with a custom made template, without having to devote a lot of time surfing around numerous template galleries on the web.
Our web templates are derived from the most common sorts of web sites – blogs, portfolio pages, discussion boards, sites of non–profit organizations, e–stores, organization websites, etc.
No Cost Web application Web Themes
Grab no cost web themes for your upcoming web app
Using the tools that you have for you within the Interactive World Control Panel, you can quickly launch a completely new Joomla™ website or even a WordPress blog on your own. It’s also possible to select an attractive style for your site from the large selection of easy–to–customize templates.
You will get a different custom made theme using the following web apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). Interactive World’s templates are work with all editions of those apps and can be downloaded absolutely free at any time.
No Cost Site Builder Web Themes
100+ entirely simple to customize no cost web themes
Through the Interactive World Control Panel, you have access to Interactive World’s Site Generation Instrument tool, the features more than 100 special website themes. Just about every template comes equipped with 2 distinct styles as well as some coloration choices. You are free to alter all of these web templates how you want.
There is no need to have any example of HTML or even CSS to change the designs in our Website Installer. All the work is carried out with the integrated manager, that’s very simple to use.